Webhook Simulator Icon

Web Application

Live Logs

The Live Logs feature provides real-time visibility into your webhook activity. This page allows you to monitor, analyze, and debug webhook events as they happen.

Page Layout

The Live Logs page is divided into three main columns:

  1. Left Column: Displays the webhook URL and a list of recent log entries.
  2. Middle Column: Shows the full payload of the selected log entry.
  3. Right Column: Displays the response from your endpoint for the selected log entry.

Key Features

1. Webhook URL

At the top of the left column, you'll find your unique webhook URL for the selected platform. You can:

  • Copy the URL to clipboard with a single click
  • Use this URL in your platform's webhook settings to receive real events

2. Simulate Webhook Events

  • Click the "Generate & Send Simulated Data" button to open a modal where you can:
    • Select an event type from a dropdown list
    • View and edit the generated payload
    • Send the simulated event to your endpoint

3. Real-time Log Stream

The left column displays a stream of incoming webhook events. For each log entry, you can see:

  • HTTP method (e.g., POST)
  • Event type
  • Whether it's a real or simulated event
  • HTTP status code of your endpoint's response
  • Timestamp of the event

4. Payload and Response Inspection

  • Click on any log entry to view its details in the middle and right columns
  • The middle column shows the full JSON payload of the selected event
  • The right column displays the response from your endpoint
  • You can copy the payload or response to clipboard with a single click

5. CLI Status Indicator

A warning message will appear at the top of the page if your CLI tool is not active, ensuring you're aware of potential issues with receiving live logs.

Using Live Logs

  1. Monitor Real-time Activity: Watch the log stream in the left column for incoming events.

  2. Analyze Event Details:

    • Click on a log entry to view its full payload and response
    • Use the JSON viewers to inspect the data structure
  3. Debug Issues:

    • Check the status code for each event to quickly identify problems
    • Compare payloads and responses to troubleshoot unexpected behavior
  4. Test with Simulated Data:

    • Use the "Generate & Send Simulated Data" feature to test specific scenarios
    • Edit the generated payload to create custom test cases
  5. Copy Data for Further Analysis:

    • Use the "Copy Payload" and "Copy Response" buttons to easily share or analyze data outside the platform

Best Practices

  • Keep the Live Logs page open during development and testing to catch issues in real-time
  • Use simulated events to test your webhook handling without waiting for real events to occur
  • Pay attention to the CLI status indicator to ensure you're receiving all events
  • Regularly check both real and simulated events to ensure consistent handling

Remember, while Live Logs show real-time activity, you can access historical log data through the separate Logs menu for more in-depth analysis and troubleshooting of past events.

Coming Soon We're working on advanced filtering and search capabilities for the live log stream to help you focus on the most relevant events for your current task.

Managing Webhooks